CSP ERANET Additional Call 2021, launched on 1st of October 2021, counted with the participation of 7 funding organizations from 6 countries/regions with a total budget of €6.05 million. The full proposal submission has recently closed on 25th March 2022.
Some preliminary statistics are the following:
- 5 full proposals were submitted by deadline
- 27 applicants, of which 52% are companies
- €6.4 Million Total Costs
- €4.8 Million Total Requested funding
- €1.6 Million Total Own contribution
5 Funding Agencies from four of the six participating countries/regions (Germany and North-Rhine-Westphalia, Spain and Turkey) in the call have received applicants. Additionally, 3 Associated partners from Germany and Portugal have partiipated covering their own funds in their projects. 4 of the 8 main topics have been addressed in the submitted pre-proposals, with the following distribution: 2 (Topic 2), 1 (Topic 3), 1 (Topic 5) and 1 (Topic 7).
For further information check the following infographic.